Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting Lost


Individual Pictures 

Media Quotes 

This slideshow incorporates colored photos mixed with black and white photos as well. Implied lines are presented within nature itself through the shadows casted and the figures that stand in the foreground have a defined form. Shapes are seen as well through the darkening of shadows and with the casting glimpses of light. The colored photos contain yellow tints and shadings of darker browns with exaggerated yellow-greens. The black and white photos contain shades of darker grays to lighter whites and highlighted white. Weight is distributed through asymmetrical balance yet has a central point that keeps it from looking out of place. Dimensionality is presented through a farther perspective of being away from the object and manipulating it into making the people in the photographs smaller compared to the trees and wildlife.

Media quotes within my images show how we should see things in different perspectives and to have a sense of adventure. The small people within the media quote show how we as people can be so vulnerable and helpless yet take risks in reaching the outside world. With this being said, I chose these images to show that by expanding our curiosity, we can show no fear in taking chances. This reflects my consciousness as a person in culture by revealing that it is alright to step outside the comfort zone and to show that a person willing to risk anything is far likely to go beyond any expectation.

Similarity in my photos show people exploring the forest and reveal that there is a sense of adventure. With proximity, there is space among the people and the road they stand on. There is clustered amounts of trees in some of the spaces but balances out with the open pathways and casting of light. Continuity is seen when the eye travels through each picture and moves the eye towards the focal point or emphasis which can be found in the people or in the bigger or smaller object present. Within the means of each photograph, I find closure in the in the people because of the figures they form in nature and how there is closure in the end of my slideshow where the person leaves the place they were in.

Within the slideshow, there is a sense of expansion and freedom in nature itself that there is still to be explored. What is working is how the slideshow ties each photograph together piece by piece and making the story behind it clear. However, what can be improved is the balance between the black and white photographs mixed in with the colored ones and maybe change the lighting within the colored ones to make the flow more coherent. I would have planned my slideshow differently by taking more variety of pictures or maybe change the storyline.

In "The Tree of Life" it has this sense of how nature is captured and how it incorporates people on how they go about their lives before death arrives. It is presented as a means of what people go through and what they have learned along the way; the morals they gained, the hardships they faced, the memories that are remembered, and close verge of how earthly lives must come to an end. In the movie, it also ties in how culture is incorporated in the film through what lifestyle the main character lived in, the environment they were exposed to, and what raised them to be the way that they are when they became adults. In a way, grace is tied into the film based on the forgiveness of the main characters father and the relationships that were being built along the way. The way of sympathy the main character had towards all the people he encountered in his life and through coming to realization that life is too short.

In my slideshow, I have edited some images out and brought in new images to make them have a coherent flow and balance. By putting in some black and white images in the slideshow, it was to reveal color contrast with the colored images as well. I played with space and dimension to show a little persons perspective of nature and what they see in there point of view. In getting lost, there is a sense of adventure in places you would least expect. Finding adventure in the most unexpected places.


  1. It is interesting how the degraded video brings a dreaminess and continuity to your images that wasn't there in full resolution. That might be a clue to a revision. The video also helps to integrate your quotes.

    I start to lose the flow and rhythm about three quarters of the way through. Some minor adjustments, and perhaps a deletion or two could help that.

    I suggest that revision, resizing images that need resizing, and slight adjustments to match the images more carefully. I'd like to see it on your computer when you're through.

    I need to see the individual images posted as well.

  2. much better. I like how your quotes transforms and confounds the scale of what you did.
