Friday, November 1, 2013

Do you want to see the Body??

Lines used in this photo were expressed with harsh/dark pigmentation and were also a little exaggerated with the lines slanting in order to capture form. Value was established going from the lightness of her skin to the darkness of the shadows casted within the cloth and the fine detailing in her hair and skin. Her posture demonstrates her hidden shame and gives a sense of innocence being taken away. The even balance is shown in where the woman is placed in the picture which gives central focal point to look at and an even weight distribution. This body was used to represent innocence being exposed and the shame the woman was feeling when being stripped of her dignity.

Art Historical: My photo was inspired by the work "The Thinker". It was created by Auguste Rodin around 1902 and was formed using marble, bronze. Rodin thought of the statue as Dante who was a poet who wrote "The Inferno". The figure is actually part of an the entire piece was called, "The Gates of Hell". This statue was formed during the period of realism and is a representation of philosophy and learning. It expresses the way man has evolved in intellectual thinking. His facial expression and chin resting on his hand reveals a strong disposition of deep thought and forms a way a person analyzes ideas.

The angles of the chairs bring more emphasis on the girl posing in the photo. The way the textures are shown through on her sweater, on her pants, on the brick wall, and on the couch show great amounts of detailing. The black and white balances the picture and brings it into perspective through the castings of shadows. Her stance displays some sincerity and exhibits how a person shows interest in an idea or is having an idea at the time. The framing is to show space around her and the mirror in the back was to show other works she focuses on. Rhythm is revealed in the symmetry of chairs she is sitting on and along the bricks behind her. 


  1. Explicit in the assignment was to have an image of the body. There are only hands here.

  2. She could also be watching TV; a passive spectator. Interesting in relation to the Thinker. WHo made the first drawing? WHen?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I see you redid some assignments and rethought some of your writing. Your grade will reflect that.
